Case study
Save The Waves
An amazing, visually inspiring end-to-end user experience, design and development.

About This Project
Save the Waves mission is to protect surf ecosystems across the globe.
The Save The Waves organization presented the opportunity to rebrand their online presence and over come the challenges of online fundraising and promoting awareness in time for the launch of the their upcoming campaigns.
Save the Waves is now an eye-catching, engaging online destination where users could explore how to save our natural resources.

- Project manager
- UX specialist
- Design lead
- Content Strategy
- Development

- Website design
- Dynamic program pages
- Online fundraising
- Ecommerce
Easy access to the most important information is key
— after all, if users and donors can’t find the information they need, they’ll look elsewhere. After exploring the main goals of the website, that information was utilized to re-organize and simplify the navigation and “Calls to Action” to make important information clear and easy to access.
Save The Waves provided us with stunning natural imagery, which we used to create a visual space that showcased to visitors the important work accomplished by the organization. The key elements introduced were a clean navigation with an uncluttered display of just enough information to entice users to learn more.
Built and customized in WordPress, this dynamic site is as easy to maintain as it is to look at.
Visit and support this site at

#LobosPorSiempre to date has collected over $500,000.
Crowdfunding with Crowdrise.
After in-depth research in finding the perfect fit to support the fundraising efforts of Save the Waves inspiring mission, we found Crowdrise to be the solution. Customizing Crowdrise and embedding their widgets directly in to our customized WordPress page we created a seamless interaction between the new Save the Waves website and the 3rd party crowdfunding page.

Programs and Campaigns
Save The Wave’s key areas are under Programs and Campaigns. This dynamic website is organized in to sections that clearly explain this nonprofit’s accomplishments and goals with interactive maps and other visually-based resources. We have been able to create a destination that would both engage and educate users.

Show off your support with Save The Waves swag. Built with WooCommerce and connected to Salesforce.

Mapping out the waves to success.